Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day # 21 : Righteous"ish" { HeArT to hEaRt }

Day # 21 : Righteous"ish"

Would you agree that anything less than perfect is just "ish"?  My son, lately has been describing concepts or facts that are less than sure as "ish". It's amusing to hear but it also seems simply, profound.

The love of God,  through Christ Jesus is perfecting! The opposite of "ish".  The term perfecting should not to be confused with perfect. Perfecting, places personal value to what His adoration does for us. It perfects.

I am imperfect and surely convinced that you would succeed to the same.  That makes me automatically rejected at the Throne of the Almighty. But the story doesn't end there, or our hope would be nothing. God has made available the garment of perfection, to bring you to Him.

The Heavenly Father sent a perfect One on your behalf. One who could get it all right. One who could hand over perfection to anyone willing to receive. Christ, the One who could, bore your wrongs.  Buried them to carry them beyond the doom of death and hell. Then was restored and resurrection to PerFecTiOn!

Here's where it gets good.  He offers it all to you. You, the one who could not,  now CAN through Christ. All your imperfection, now covered in His perfection. All your wrongs discounted by His ability to get it right. Your place in death, defeated and exchanged for eternal life in paradise.  And get this... You, made right and  able to approach  the Living God on the Throne.

This means that all who accept, can be adorned in RigHteOusNeSS! Just by believing in all Christ did.
Just by accepting the gift of grace, by faith.
He sees you perfect only when covered in the garment of the perfect One.

{ I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness... }
Isaiah 61:10

Imagine the ending of the word "righteousness" changed to less than perfect. What would His promise be reduced to, considering we make one small modification? Look closely:


Did you catch it?  An amazing promise, no longer a promise. Perfection, no longer anything close. The ending completely morphed the words meaning along with our hope.

Let this comfort your heart, scripture is living truth and God says He made available, your righteousness.  God Almighty loves all His children so much that He desired a relationship with each. He desired to give you access to Him on his Throne and an eternal place in the Kingdom.

Love rejoices with truth. (1 Corinthians 13) Truth is, God made perfection available. Those who accept the perfect One are covered in righteousness.
There's no "ish" about it :)

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