Faith is the opposite. It is the substance of things we hope for, the conviction of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1). To live by faith, is to believe in God's power and promises. It is to go to the pond, expecting. God's sToRy tells us what we should expect to experience. Faith itself is nurtured by knowing God's story, then experiencing it in our own. Is it possible we often forget God because we aren't in Scripture, which reveals His story? In that case, we often leave our faith to expect nothing. That's like going to the pond with pole and bait, but no FaiTh.
Our belief in who Christ is, what He has done, and what He promises, is measured only by what we have seen of Him in Scripture and what He has proven in our lives, based on Scripture. Faith is expecting to encounter the power described in His sToRy. Our sToRy is where we put what we know about God, into action, by knowing what He CaN do, believeing He wiLL, and recognizing when He dOeS. Shortly spoken: If we don't know the story of God's power and promises, we can't believe in His ability to work in ours.
When we forget the Word, we find ourselves with little to expect by faith.
No sToRy.
No FaiTh.
But if we know the Word , we can watch great things pRoVe His pRomiSes.
So, for the SaKe of FaiTh, know God's sToRy.
Then grab your pole and bait, and let your faith
prove His promises in yOuRs.
HaShTag ReHaSheS
We have-ta ask: What hill-topping faith-moments could you be missing in your sToRy because you don't know His?
Praisin' God today: Praise God for Scripture and the powerful promises revealed there.
Askin' God today: Ask God to give you a craving for and dedication to reading His Word. Then ask God to build your faith, by opening your heart to the power and promises in His sToRy, and delight in the unveiling of His truth within the moments of your sToRy.
Soakin' up Scripture: [Jeremiah 15:16] Your words were found, and I did eat them, and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by your name, O LORD God of hosts. (KJV, my modification)
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