Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day #15 : Something for Nothing { HeArT to hEaRt }

Day #15 : Something for Nothing

Ever received something for nothing?  Our economy experts would say "nothing is for free". When we take inventory of the blessings our lives contain, it would prove the experts to be inaccurate.   It's actually quite humbling once we take note of undeserved receipts of gifts we have been given.  

The blessings of life cannot be fully measured, however these come to mind...

A sense of smell that brings good memories.
Eyes that take in vivid pictures.
Ears that soak up the laughter from a JoY-filled soul.
Ability to touch the pudgy face of a baby.
Arms that wrap tight in a hug.
A sunset that reminds us of a Maker with style.
Legs that run when necessary :)
Breath that promises there is hope.

You sure could name a few.  I'm exhausting you with my list, but I could easily keep going. One year in college, I felt the need to hang a poster in my room that said "I Am Thankful For".  Each day I would write with a sharpie, something I'd noticed in the day or had noticed as a blessing.  I'll be honest, I wasn't living for Christ at that time, (although I was His child) but I still knew the need to be thankful and I was still blessed with every scribble of the Sharpie. 

When we inventory our blessings, it has two specific products:
We see the UN-blessings a little smaller.
We see ourselves a little smaller. 

The first is self explanatory. Eyes off the yucky equals eyes on the great! But what also occurs is the shrinkage of our pride - puffed chest.  We begin to see that we are external to what's been given. We have nothing to do with the goodness. The gifts don't come from our hand, but One who is greater. Gifts that are not earned and surely not deserved!  Wow!  That's goodness!

Another word for the gifts, given outside of our ability, and totally undeserved is ... GrAcE!!

God's love is LoAdEd with GrAcE! 

Look within your days snd find it peppered throughout!! And best of all, it's free. Those goodies you think of most,  cannot be purchased. Let me add to the woo hoo!   He made you rich. I'm not speaking on the term of anything received on earth. All those temporary goods eventually fade. My God is eternal minded. He thinks much bigger than the world and His gifts prove to be the same! Here's what His GrAcE handed to you...

{ For you know the gRaCe of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through his poverty might be made rich. II Corinthians 8:9 }

Christ chose to be poor so that you and I could enjoy what's rightfully His!  Now that's an act of LoVe!  He took the form of a poor Man from Nazareth, so you could have perfection and a place in the Kingdom. Oh don't worry, Christ is there now and gets to spend eternity with you. His poverty was temporary, but his and our wealth is forever!

His love, sent you grace.
His grace gave you a reservation of inheritance to the Kingdom of God.

YoUrS. (for the taking)

Let's bring this into perspective. Speaking from the heart, I have to say I don't bless those whom I don't love. Well, only if I have to. But I think you would agree that you wouldn't sign over your estate to those whom you don't deeply love. Tells me, God loves His children.

{ 1 Peter 1:4
To an inheritance incorruptible;  and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for you.}

Because of His grace, we have forever perfection to look toward.
God handed over an inheritance to you. A reservation of perfection in the ultimate Kingdom of the Living God.

Now that's a something.
Good news. Because it's a product of grace, it's also free, simply by faith in Christ.

That is the best Something
for NoThiNg,
you and I have ever been given.

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